Text to Speech

Technology solutions with the capabilities to interpret electronic text and generate audible speech from the text are becoming more commonplace as people find more uses in everyday products. See below for the latest text-to-speech news, trends, and solutions.


Safety and Ethical Concerns Loom Large in Voice Cloning

AI makes synthetic speech sound more realistic than ever—and therein lies the danger.

2024 State of AI in the Speech Technology Industry

How generative (and other types of) artificial intelligence is impacting five important sectors.

The Top Speech Technologies and Vendors: The 2023 Speech Industry Awards

AI, AI, and more AI: The technology is disrupting everything, and it's found everywhere in our speech industry achievements for 2023.

2023 Speech Industry Award Winner: Microsoft’s VALL-E Breaks the Mold in AI Training

VALL-E, one of Microsoft's latest forays into artificial intelligence, is a transformer-based text-to-speech model that can re-create any voice from just a three-second sample clip.

Industry Voices

Why Speech Researchers Need Better Benchmarks

Long-form speech recognition is here and growing. With updated datasets, we can accurately train and test ASR models for real-world use cases.

Preventing Deepfake Phishing from Leaving Customers on the Hook

Customer service personnel need to be trained to detect and react to deepfake phishing attempts. (Featured on SmartCustomerService.com.)

How Voice Cloning is Transforming Podcasting

The potential of voice duplication and synthetic voices is huge for podcast creators, offering efficiency and lowering the barriers to production and distribution.

AI Voice: Working with, Not Against, Humans

Companies can leverage automated voice in new ways, building fuller, more authentic connections with their audiences.


ChatGPT Solves Some Translation Conundrums

Outstanding automatic translation at everyone's fingertips is getting closer.

Automatic Dialogue Replacement Will Translate to Big Profits

Voice-to-voice translation is one of the most potentially lucrative uses for voice cloning technology.

Speech System Designers Need to Hold Procedural Memory in Mind

Don't assume all users will be able to follow design updates.

A Perfect Storm of Speech Technologies

Now's the time to consider what new applications might be possible.